This call for evidence will inform the development of the financial services sector plan, a key part of the government’s modern industrial strategy.
This call for evidence closes at
Call for evidence description
The financial services sector has been identified as one of eight growth-driving sectors in Invest 2035: the UK’s modern industrial strategy. The government is creating ambitious and targeted plans for each of the eight sectors, in partnership with business, devolved governments, regions, and other stakeholders.
This Call for Evidence will support the development of the financial services sector plan, referred to as the Financial Services Growth & Competitiveness Strategy.
The Strategy will be published in Spring 2025.
This Call for Evidence outlines the government’s proposed approach to the Strategy and seeks input from businesses, consumer groups, academic and other stakeholders, as part of the government’s commitment to co-design.
Once developed, the strategy will serve as the central guiding framework through which the government will deliver sustainable, inclusive growth for the financial services sector and secure the UK’s competitiveness as an international financial centre.
This call for evidence will remain open for four weeks, closing on 12 December 2024. The government welcomes representations from all stakeholders with an interest.
Financial Services Growth & Competitveness Strategy: Call for Evidence
Ref: ISBN 978-1-917151-69-6
PDF, 472 KB, 39 pages
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